Immobilienagentur: Verkauf auf Rentenbasis, Entflechtung, bloßes Eigentum

Der Verkauf auf Rentenbasis, die Aufspaltung und der Verkauf des nackten Eigentums sind Schlüsselkonzepte in der Immobilienbranche, die eine erhöhte Flexibilität bei der Vermögensverwaltung ermöglichen. Michaël Zingraf Serenity, ein führender Anbieter auf diesem Gebiet, bietet innovative Lösungen für Privatpersonen und Investoren an. Beim Verkauf auf Rentenbasis wird eine Immobilie durch die Zahlung einer Anzahlung und einer lebenslangen Rente an den Verkäufer erworben, bei der Aufspaltung wird das Eigentum in das Nutzungsrecht und das nackte Eigentum aufgeteilt, während der Verkauf des nackten Eigentums ausschließlich das Besitzrecht betrifft. Diese Methoden bieten einzigartige Chancen und Herausforderungen für alle beteiligten Parteien.

Le viager, le démembrement et la nue-propriété

Innovative Solutions for Investing with Michaël Zingraf Serenity

In an ever-evolving real estate market, new investment formulas are emerging to meet the needs of buyers and sellers. Among these are viager, démembrement, and nue-propriété, which allow for diversified opportunities and optimized real estate transactions. Michaël Zingraf Serenity Capital, an expert in real estate sales, accompanies you in each of these formats.

Viager, a beneficial term sale for both parties

Viager is a term sale that involves selling a property while retaining the right to enjoy it until death. This type of transaction offers several advantages for both the buyer and the seller.

For the seller (creditor)

The first benefit concerns the creditor, who receives a regular life annuity until the end of their life, or a very large lump sum payment of up to 70% of the value of the property. This provides significant financial security, especially in case of an extended life expectancy. In addition, the seller continues to live in their home without having to pay rent or property-related expenses.

For the buyer (debtor)

The buyer, on the other hand, benefits from a sale price that is often lower than the actual value of the property. This makes it an interesting long-term investment. Additionally, the buyer does not have to pay notary fees or transfer taxes, as these are calculated based on the life annuity and not the total value of the property.

Démembrement, a solution to optimize real estate investment

Démembrement is another format of real estate sale that involves separating the ownership of a property into two distinct parts: bare ownership (nue-propriété) and usufruct. Depending on the needs and objectives of the parties, several types of démembrements can be considered.

Temporary démembrement

This formula allows the buyer (bare owner) to only pay for the value of the bare ownership, without having to bear the maintenance or renovation expenses of the property. The usufructuary, on the other hand, enjoys the property for a defined period and may receive rental income if they decide to rent it out.

Viager démembrement

As the name suggests, viager démembrement is a variant of viager in which the usufruct is retained by the seller until their death. The buyer becomes the bare owner and awaits the end of the right to use and inhabit in order to fully enjoy the property.

Nue-propriété, a secure and profitable investment

Nue-propriété is the part of the property that does not include usufruct, meaning the right to use and receive income generated by a real estate property. Acquiring the bare ownership of a property offers several advantages for an investor.

Reduced acquisition cost

The cost of acquiring bare ownership is generally lower than that of full ownership, making the investment more accessible. Additionally, notary fees are also lower as they are calculated based on the value of the bare ownership alone.

Favorable taxation

Buying in bare ownership allows for a lighter tax burden. The income received by the usufructuary is not taxable for the bare owner, limiting the tax impact of the investment. Similarly, the value of the bare ownership is not included in the calculation of the real estate wealth tax (IFI).

A secure and appreciating capital

Finally, acquiring a property in bare ownership represents a guarantee of security for the investor. At the end of the démembrement, they automatically regain full ownership of the property without having to take any specific steps. Furthermore, the value of the real estate property has generally increased between the time of purchase and the end of the démembrement period, allowing for a potential resale with a capital gain.

Michaël Zingraf Serenity Capital, your partner for successful real estate transactions

With its expertise in real estate sales, Michaël Zingraf Serenity Capital accompanies you in each of the formats presented above. Thanks to its extensive network and in-depth market knowledge, the agency guides and advises you throughout your investment project, whether it be in viager, démembrement, or bare ownership. Trust Michaël Zingraf Serenity Capital to secure and optimize your real estate transactions.

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Michaël Zingraf Viager

2, avenue de la Victoire
06250 Mougins - France

agence Michaël Zingraf Viager